Dynamic Probe Class Library

Dynamic Probe Class Library Programming Guide

Appendix B. DPCL status codes


Explanation: One or more of the specified probes failed to be activated for this Process object.

User Response: Verify that the probes specified for activation are currently installed for this Process object.


Explanation: This process no longer exists. The process may have been terminated for a number of reasons, including normal termination, a previous DPCL destroy call, or a UNIX signal.

User Response: None.


Explanation: This is a result of executing such commands as disconnect() or destroy() on a PoeAppl object with no processes (or tasks).

User Response: Make sure that you perform either an init_procs() or a create() on the PoeAppl object to populate it with processes.


Explanation: An attempt was made to apply the array operator to a probe expression that is not a pointer.

User Response: Verify that the invoking probe expression of the array operator represents a pointer (except to void) probe expression.


Explanation: The DCE credentials supplied by the DPCL client program cannot be authenticated on this node.

User Response: Make sure your DCE credentials allow you to access this node.


Explanation: The DCE credentials supplied by the DPCL client are not authorized for execution on this node.

User Response: Make sure your DCE credentials allow you to execute programs on this node. If you are using a .k5login file, make sure your DCE identity is correctly specified in that file.


Explanation: The argument list in the ProbeType::function_type call is not valid.

User Response: Verify that the ProbeType of each element in the argument list is correct.


Explanation: The host name in the configuration file is corrupted.

User Response: Check the configuration file's host name to make sure it is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application.


Explanation: The IP address in the configuration file is corrupted.

User Response: Make sure the configuration file is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: DPCL tried to read a task number that either wasn't numeric or was less than zero.

User Response: Make sure the configuration file is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: The PID in the configuration file is corrupted.

User Response: Check the configuration file's process ID to make sure it is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: The program name in the configuration file is corrupted.

User Response: Check the configuration file's program name to make sure it is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: The session ID in the configuration file is corrupted.

User Response: Check the configuration file's session ID to make sure it is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: The configuration file's record for the particular task is corrupted.

User Response: Make sure the configuration file is not corrupted. It might be necessary to re-run the target application. The configuration file is named .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg and is located in the directory /tmp.


Explanation: This occurs if DPCL was unable to read the version number in the configuration file .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg (located in the directory /tmp).

User Response: Make sure you are running your DPCL tool against a target application that is running on a supported level of POE.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: A call to either the create() or bcreate() function was made, and either an incorrect or incomplete path for the executable program to be loaded was specified.

User Response: Make sure the name of the executable to be loaded was typed correctly, that the full path is entered, and that the specified executable file still exists at this location.


Explanation: This is an internal daemon error that is caused by an object with a status that is not valid.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The return type in the ProbeType::function_type call is not valid.

User Response: Verify that the return type is a supported type.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. A message queue used by a DPCL daemon is not in a valid state.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: During a create() or bcreate() request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for STDERR on the remote node.

User Response: Make sure you have the correct permissions and authority to open a file by this name on the remote node.


Explanation: During a create() or bcreate() request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for STDIN on the remote node.

User Response: Make sure you have the correct permissions and authority to open a file by this name on the remote node.


Explanation: The remote_stderr_filename parameter is either NULL, or the file name specified in the parameter has a length of 0 or is longer than AIX allows.

User Response: Pass in the complete path and name of the remote STDERR file in the remote_stderr_filename parameter. Make sure that the string passed in does not exceed the AIX maximum.


Explanation: The remote_stdin_filename parameter is either NULL, or the file name specified in the parameter has a length of 0 or is longer than AIX allows.

User Response: Pass in the complete path and name of the remote STDIN file in the remote_stdin_filename parameter. Make sure that the string passed in does not exceed the AIX maximum.


Explanation: The remote_stdout_filename parameter is either NULL, or the file name specified in the parameter has a length of 0 or is longer than AIX allows.

User Response: Pass in the complete path and name of the remote STDOUT file in the remote_stdout_filename parameter. Make sure that the string passed in does not exceed the AIX maximum.


Explanation: During a create() or bcreate() request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for STDOUT on the remote node.

User Response: Make sure you have the correct permissions and authority to open a file by this name on the remote node.


Explanation: The configuration file for setting up the PoeAppl exists, but is unable to be read.

User Response: Check file permissions on the .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg file in /tmp.


Explanation: The initialization process for the DPCL daemon failed.

User Response: Make sure the user ID and group name for the account from which you are invoking your DPCL client are both valid on the node where you are trying to start the DPCL daemon. If the user ID and group name are valid, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An attempt by the DPCL daemon to determine the user's DCE identity failed.

User Response: Make sure that this account has a valid DCE identity.


Explanation: An attempt to communicate with a DPCL daemon was unsuccessful. Either the DPCL daemon in question has terminated unexpectedly, or there is a network error.

User Response: If there is no network error, rerun your program. Then, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to create an internal structure.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to create an internal structure.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An AIX connect() call failed.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An attempt was made to contact an unknown remote host.

User Response: Verify that the specified host name is correct.


Explanation: An attempt was made to run a DPCL analysis tool on a host where DPCL is either not installed or was not installed successfully.

User Response: Verify that DPCL has been successfully installed on the host where the DPCL analysis tool is to be run.


Explanation: An AIX socket() call failed.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: One or more of the specified probes failed to be deactivated for this Process object.

User Response: Verify that the probes specified for deactivation are currently installed and activated for this Process object.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The operation was attempted for a Process object that is associated with a process that has been destroyed.

User Response: Use this function with Process objects that are associated with existing processes.


Explanation: You attempted an operation for a Process object that hasn't completed disconnecting from its associated process.

User Response: Call the query_state function to insure that the connection state of the Process object is PRC_disconnected before attempting any other operations with this object.


Explanation: Another attempt was made to connect to a process that is currently connected by a Process object in the same DPCL program. Only one connection to a process from the same DPCL program is allowed.

User Response: You can now proceed to call any DPCL function for this Process object that is valid when in the PRC_connected state.


Explanation: Another call to either the create() or bcreate() function has been made for this Process or PoeAppl object. More than one call to either of these functions is not allowed for any Process or PoeAppl object.

User Response: This Process or PoeAppl object was initialized from the first bcreate() or create() call, so you can now proceed with the usual DPCL operations, like finding source-related information, inserting probes, or starting execution of the associated process or porcesses.


Explanation: The Phase object specified for installation is currently installed in the application. Only one instance of a particular Phase object is allowed to be installed at a time.

User Response: Make sure that the Phase object is not currently installed before attempting to install it.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL called an initialization function more than once.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The signal handler for the specified signal has already been added by a prior call to Ais_add_signal.

User Response: Remove the current signal handler for this signal prior to calling Ais_add_signal.


Explanation: The configuration file for setting up the PoeAppl exists and is readable, but it does not contain any information. This could occur if DPCL somehow tries to read the wrong file by providing a faulty process ID. Another reason could be that POE was not able to write the configuration file to /tmp.

User Response: Check the .ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg file in /tmp. It might be necessary to re-run the target application.


Explanation: A member function of the Application class has been called, but the Application object contains no member processes.

User Response: Use the Application::add_process call to add processes to the Application object.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The index operand of a array operator does not represent an integer-valued probe expression.

User Response: Verify that the index operand of the array operator represents an integer-valued probe expression.


Explanation: One or both operands of an operator must be an integer or pointer probe expression.

User Response: Verify that the operands for the operator in question are of the required type.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The .rhosts file or the /etc/hosts.equiv file on the node that the DPCL client is trying to connect to does not allow access to the system by this user.

User Response: Make sure the user ID is authorized to run programs on the node. If it is, make sure the .rhosts file or the /etc/hosts.equiv file or both are set up correctly.


Explanation: There was a general failure on a specific DPCL call.

User Response: For debugging purposes, print out any additional status data that is associated with the failure.


Explanation: This error occurs if a probe_module file has been changed and recompiled after the DPCL analysis tool has performed a load_module or bload_module call.

User Response: Re-run the target application and the DPCL analysis tool.


Explanation: The ProbeExp::call operator was used with a probe expression object other than a function reference (DEN_function_type).

User Response: Verify that the invoking object of the ProbeExp::call operator is a probe expression of type DEN_function_type.


Explanation: An attempt to authenticate the user ID by using the identd protocol failed.

User Response: Verify that the user ID is authorized to connect to this node.


Explanation: An attempt to get the DPCL daemon's identity from SP security services failed.

User Response: Make sure SP security services has been properly configured to support DPCL.


Explanation: Ais_override_default_callback was called to override a callback that cannot be overridden.

User Response: Corrrect the source code to eliminate the incorrect call to Ais_override_default_callback.


Explanation: You requested an actual parameter with an non-valid index (either less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of function parameters).

User Response: Make sure the index of the get_actual call is valid.


Explanation: A call to either the create() or bcreate() function was made for a Process object that was not instantiated with the default constructor, or for an object that has been initialized with the = operator.

User Response: When calling either the create() or bcreate() function, use a Process object that was instantiated with the default constructor, and is still uninitialized.


Explanation: Installation failed on the install_probe call.

User Response: Make sure the probe expression or the specified instrumentation point is valid on the failed process.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough memory available. DPCL continues processing, but it is likely that you will have subsequent problems.

User Response: Try to rerun the DPCL application using a smaller problem set or contact your System Administrator to increase system resources. If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An integer-valued probe expression is required for one or both operands of the operator in question.

User Response: Verify that the operands are of the required type.


Explanation: The invoking object of a ProbeExp::ifelse call is not of the correct type.

User Response: Verify that the invoking probe-expression object is of the correct type.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to find an ID in an internal table.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An unsupported data type is used in a probe data allocation request.

User Response: Make sure the data type specified in a probe data allocation request is a supported data type.


Explanation: In the Ais_signal call, the signal number is outside the defined domain. In phase-related calls, the given function is not a valid function reference.

User Response: Verify that the operand is within the bound of signals defined in AIX. In phase-related calls, verify that the probe expression is a valid function reference.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An uninitialized Phase object has been specified for this operation.

User Response: In order to perform this phase operation, the specified Phase object must be initialized.


Explanation: Occurs primarily (though not exclusively) in standard callbacks when an operation such as disconnect is performed on a process ID that does not exist. It is possible you provided a process ID that never existed, or, in the case of connect, this could be an internal error.

User Response: Make sure the correct process ID is being supplied to the function that is generating the call to the callback.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The data type used in probe data allocation is not a valid data type.

User Response: Make sure the probe data type used in a probe data allocation request is a valid data type.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The DPCL version number sent from your DPCL client program does not match the version of the DPCL daemons.

User Response: Make sure that your DPCL client has been linked with a DPCL library that matches the level of the DPCL daemons installed on your system.


Explanation: In a call to Ais_log_on or Ais_blog_on, you didn't specify a valid destination.

User Response: Make sure the destination on such calls is either LGD_daemon, LGD_client, LGD_both, or LGD_neither.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: You tried specifying a destination of either client or both in a call to Ais_log_on, Ais_blog_on, Ais_log_off, or Ais_blog_off and didn't provide a logging callback pointer (of GCBFuncType).

User Response: Check all Ais_log_on and Ais_blog_on calls to make sure that all pertinent information is provided (for example, a callback pointer if the destination is either client, or both clients).


Explanation: If you provided an empty string as the host name argument for Ais_log_off or Ais_blog_off, you will receive this error.

User Response: Check your code to make sure you provided a valid host name in any call to Ais_log_on, Ais_blog_on, Ais_log_off, or Ais_blog_off.


Explanation: The DPCL daemon was unable to log into SP security services.

User Response: Make sure SP security services has been properly configured to support DPCL.


Explanation: This error generally arises from the logging system if a faulty host name is provided to Ais_log_on, Ais_blog_on, Ais_log_off, or Ais_blog_off (that is, if the host name can not be resolved).

User Response: Check to make sure all the calls to Ais_log_on, Ais_blog_on, Ais_log_off, and Ais_blog_off have host names of nodes that actually exist.


Explanation: This error occurs when you attempt to turn on logging through an Ais_log_on or Ais_blog_on call and do not specify a host name.

User Response: Check your code to make sure you provided a valid host name in any call to Ais_log_on, Ais_blog_on, Ais_log_off, or Ais_blog_off.


Explanation: An attempt was made to store a value in a probe expression that does not represent a memory storage location.

User Response: Verify that the left-most operand of the operator in question represents a storage location (the result of a Process::balloc_mem call).


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. The DPCL daemon failed to allocate a block of probe data.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to match a process ID in a table.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: A function associated with a Phase object cannot be found.

User Response: Make sure a function specified in a phase operation is available in the connected application. The function can either be part of the application, or it can be loaded into the application by a load_module() call.


Explanation: A Phase object specified for this operation has not been installed in the target application.

User Response: In order to perform this phase operation, the specified Phase object must first be installed on the target application. You can do this by calling either the add_phase() or badd_phase() DPCL function for this Phase object.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. An internal structure does not exist.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: DPCL tried to load the same probe module twice in the same process.

User Response: Remove the duplicate load call from the process in question.


Explanation: DPCL tried to unload a probe module that is already unloaded.

User Response: Remove the duplicate unload call from the process in question.


Explanation: The ProbeModule name given is not valid.

User Response: Verify that the probe module is compiled with exported function names and without an entry point.


Explanation: The module being operated upon cannot be found. This can be a case of an undefined module name or a module that is not loaded properly.

User Response: Check the name of the module and return code from the load module for that process.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to initialize a message queue in an allocated shared memory segment.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL failed to read messages from a message queue.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The DPCL client tried to perform DPCL calls without first preparing the system through a call to Ais_initialize().

User Response: Place a call to Ais_initialize() before the first DPCL call.


Explanation: The configuration file that provides the information to PoeAppl about the POE processes does not exist.

User Response: Make sure that the correct hostname was specified in the call to binit_procs and that the corresponding file (.ppe.poe_pid.attach.cfg) was not deleted out of /tmp.


Explanation: A connect() or bconnect() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_attached state.

User Response: In order to issue a connect() or bconnect() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_unconnected state. Use a non-default Process constructor to create a Process Object in the PRC_unconnected state.


Explanation: A connect() or bconnect() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_created state.

User Response: A start() or bstart() call issued against a Process object in the PRC_created state will change the state to PRC_connected.


Explanation: A create() or bcreate() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_attached state.

User Response: In order to issue a create() or bcreate() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_pre_create state.


Explanation: A create() or bcreate() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_connected state.

User Response: In order to issue a create() or bcreate() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_pre_create state.


Explanation: The DPCL client did not pass any DCE credentials when trying to connect to or start a process on this node.

User Response: Make sure you have issued a valid DCE login before starting your DPCL client.


Explanation: During a create() or bcreate() request, the daemon was unable to set up a pipe for sending stdin to the target application. This create request has failed.

User Response: Make sure there are enough file descriptors available.


Explanation: An attempt was made to dereference a probe expression representing a void pointer.

User Response: Verify that the invoking probe expression of the dereferencing operator does not represent a void pointer probe expression.


Explanation: A detach() or bdetach() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_connected state.

User Response: In order to issue a detach() or bdetach() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_attached state.


Explanation: A detach() or bdetach() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_created state. This is not allowed.

User Response: A destroy(), bdestroy(), start(), or bstart() call can be issued against a Process object in the PRC_created state.


Explanation: A disconnect() or bdisconnect() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_created state. This is not allowed.

User Response: A destroy() or bdestroy() call can be issued against a Process object in the PRC_created state.


Explanation: A destroy() or bdestroy() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_connected state.

User Response: Issue an attach() or battach() call against the Process object before calling destroy() or bdestroy().


Explanation: Phase period value is not positive

User Response: Specify a positive floating-point value for the phase period.


Explanation: DPCL tried to connect to a process, but there is no entry for it in the AIX process table. The process may have exited during the time that the request to connect was being processed.

User Response: Try to connect to an existing process again.


Explanation: A resume() or bresume() call has been issued against a Process object that is running. The call has had no effect.

User Response: None.


Explanation: A start() or bstart() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_attached state.

User Response: In order to issue a start() or bstart() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_created state. To get a Process object to the PRC_created state, use the default Process constructor followed by the create() or bcreate() call.


Explanation: A start() or bstart() call has been issued against a Process object that is in the PRC_connected state.

User Response: In order to issue a start() or bstart() call, the Process object must be in the PRC_created state. To get a Process object to the PRC_created state, use the default Process constructor followed by the create() or bcreate() call.


Explanation: A suspend() or bsuspend() call has been issued against a Process object that is not running. The call has had no effect.

User Response: None.


Explanation: A suspend(), bsuspend(), resume(), or bresume() call has been issued against a Process object a process that is in the PRC_connected state. The call has had no effect.

User Response: From the PRC_connected state, an attach() or battach() call can be issued, which then allows later calls to suspend(), bsuspend(), resume(), and bresume().


Explanation: A suspend(), bsuspend(), resume(), or bresume() call has been issued against a Process object a process that is in the PRC_created state. The call has had no effect.

User Response: From the PRC_created state, a start() or bstart() call can be issued and then a subsequent suspend() or bsuspend() call could be made. Also from the PRC_created state, an attach() or battach() call can be issued and then a subsequent resume() or bresume() call could be made.


Explanation: DPCL tried to expand an data object that cannot be expanded further.

User Response: Remove the expand DataObj call from the program code.


Explanation: A create() or bcreate() call has been made in which one of the parameters that requires a full path to the file name was not specified as such. The path, remote_stdin_filename, remote_stdout_filename, and remote_stderr_filename parameters on the create() and bcreate() calls all require full path names.

User Response: Re-issue the create() or bcreate() call after making sure that the path parameter is specified with a full path to the file. If any of the remote_stdin_filename, remote_stdout_filename, or remote_stderr_filename parameters have been specified, also make sure that they contain full path names.


Explanation: DPCL tried to call phase-related functions without a valid process or module.

User Response: Make sure the phase-related functions are called after the process or modules are loaded successfully


Explanation: The operation you tried to perform did not work. In some cases, this is an internal DPCL error. In other cases, such as Application::remove_process()), it is the result of a non-valid index.

User Response: Make sure that any index or parameter being supplied to the function in question has a valid value.


Explanation: A Phase object specified with a call to set_phase_exit() or bset_phase_exit() has completed its execution.

User Response: None.


Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. The DPCL daemon failed to allocate a block of probe data for a Phase object.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: An attempt to allocate a block of probe data for the associated Phase object failed, because a valid data function was not specified for this object

User Response: Make sure that the Phase object has a valid data function associated with it before trying to allocate probe data for it.


Explanation: You issued an attach() or battach() call against a Process object that is already in PRC_attached state. Note that it may be this DPCL analysis tool or another that is in the PRC_attached state. Only one DPCL analysis tool can be attached to a particular process at a time.

User Response: Use the query_state() call to see if you were already in PRC_attached state.


Explanation: The DPCL client tried to perform an operation on a process that it is not currently connected to.

User Response: Make sure the Process object in question is connected to an existing process. To do so, call the Process::query_state function. If the state returned is not PRC_connected, call the Process::connect() or Process::bconnect() function for the Process object associated with the process in question. After a successful connection has been made, you can then try the function that returned this error again.


Explanation: A send_stdin() call has been made against a Process object that was not initially created with a TRONG>, or Ais_blog_off.


PRC_has behangebe handter ts noting prryin paramenalysis tool can be ed to an exiocess in qu>User Response: Gather oatiSTDIN exiocess in que ASC_process_nto_few_paONG>

Explanation: This is tion that rs_ntosed i of a ProbeExp::iSTRO::get_ly exihas be not represxited file dters on thed modulee Procesor part to co

User Response: Try to that the invokion that rs_ntosed ivalid ient_memorr sent fbe ders have bd modul>ASC_process_nto_ret_no_ointNG>

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The invoking objectxp::iSTROi of a ProbeEG>ProbeModuleSTRO::get_ly exiNG> call could ot exist.ent a void pon that rs_ntosed >User Response: Verify that the invoking probe xp::iSTROi of a Pents a stopon that rs_ntosed TRONGeturDEN_on that /STRONGeturP>

Explanation: The invoking object of a ProbeEG>ProbeModulefelseor does *RONG>PRC_has be not represent a void pr.

User Response: Verify that the invoking probe expre-sion object is of ents a stopr.

Explanation: A send_stdin() call has been made against a Process object that was not ind with a TRON create() or bcreate() call.

create() or bcreate() call after de to de Procesemote_stdin_filenamequery_tdin() call has bet the Procrovided n qu>remote_stdin_filenamerlly creNG>create() or bset_ph() call after t is t spu a pate a Prochase o object that >User Response: None.


Explanation: This iailed to read meshe User Response: Re-iss that the probe modulsfied for this oeshe alsxiteovidy in

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. The DPernal structure does not exist.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_missin_proces applireat witNG>

Explanation: The DPCL clientan bevalid to alconnect to a procore a Proces applicm code. one ofhot ininked with a DPCLlibdpclRT.a. Lwitrdwa DPCTRONI>libdpclRT.aSTRONGI>libdpclRT.TRONGI>S(ake erence. supporalieat witrdw) t spe fulhe call tDPCL cat e connec

>User Response: GatherLwitrdwarget applicm code. oDPCLlibdpclRT.a libdpclRT.TRONGI>Sentry longerpe fulh. P e coerencroceGI> libdpclRT.aSTRONGI>libdpclRT.TRONGI>She p beAR>r appli'sNGI>ure meld pISTters on theTRON wit target applica

P e connect itinueSa smalme peat wit ors av shipplhe cRONGI>/usr/lpp/STROdpcl/s a cas/eat witNGIP>


Explanation: The DPCL cG>resume(ootNG> call ausponbeing valid by the if procore to a process, but a DPCTROlienta smalme pCOMPATity servicmodel>User Response: Re-issuunrogram code. a smalleusponbeithat is incG>resume(ootNG> call >
ASC_no_susty servire

Explanation: The DPCLan internal DPCL error.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_phase_ty servirailed

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_phase_th abd

Explanation: This iAto set_phah abRONG> functio

User Response: Make sthe name oaemon failedto Sis PhaesG>set_phah abRONG> functioccurs PRC_crah abRONG> functioccursaccord allocahaesoccurs ASC_phase_th hed

Explanation: The operat application. Thd to allocatdUser Response: Make sthe name oation. Th'sTSTDOUTSis Poccurses from ad functi if memorsage egme,he funo fix ASC_phase_th hof pred. ed

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

failed to read mte a block of proitable. memory segment.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This iAto set_phah ctlRONG> functio

User Response: Make sthe name oaemon failedto Sis PhaesG>set_phah ctlRONG> functioccurs PRC_crah ctlRONG> functioccursaccord allocahaesoccurs ASC_phase_th dbd

Explanation: This iAto set_phah dbRONG> functio

User Response: Make sthe name oaemon failedto Sis PhaesG>set_phah dbRONG> functioccurs PRC_crah dbRONG> functioccursaccord allocahaesoccurs ASC_phase_th plir

Explanation: This iAto set_phah pliRONG> functio

User Response: Make sthe name oaemon failedto Sis PhaesG>set_phah pliRONG> functioccurs PRC_crah pliRONG> functioccursaccord allocahaesoccurs ASC_phase_th hailed

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL fTL daemon failed to allocalize a messale. memory segment.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_msg_reshm_ assed. ed

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

failed to read mte a blocknt in questiale. memory segment.

User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_msg_reshm_vthat d

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error.

f thatn. Thdroces memory segment. User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: This iAto set_phadin() call hde to de ere STDIN eady in User Response: None.

ASC_phase_sful coNG>

Explanation: The operation you trmpleted its exsfully

>User Response: None.


Explanation: This iried to call pa User Response: GatherMark ocess in queasstermi:

Explanation: The operation yndsProbeEexpre-sion object r does ssued nted User Response: Re-iss that the probe ion yndsProbtrator in question represssuedrrect hostnget ypeP>ASC_phase_unlize a mesdn_fd

Explanation: This is an internal DPCL error. DPCL User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.

ASC_msg_reunlize a mesdns in quNG>

Explanation: This iAtunction forhde t after Phase o object that wt is t spled o wheth aa sma beAR>rt Procesuctor fol,hen at speevormatze a mesd oDPCLs that iation about>User Response: In orderze a messhase o object that w be partectepysmalme pation about mesnt iate a mesd o object that wha proces=tor in quVAR>rtect PRC_crh() call aRONG>bcreat() call aon forh calling

Explanation: The operan internal DPCL error. The DPedaemon failed be expdetermi:firstL. /VAR>ProbeEted application. The fUser Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.


Explanation: The opaemont spexp hmallnNG>Ais_initiSSTRuoNG>User Response: Make sthe nanetIn sction hasshen a su /STRuoned this ehe program evious client.ll r>
ASC_msg_redata _PE_req_assigSNG>

Explanation: This iempt was made to derefestllinaiis not nbe expression represt is ot exist.ent a void porocess oression.

>User Response: Re-iss that the probe left-most ion yndProbtrator in question represisd porocess orest. on representing a void stlleue. a bl

ASC_phase_data _PE_req_elRONG>

Explanation: A Phase orocess oression. set_phelRONG>< cl vali non-vaG>ProbeModulefelseifelRONG>< or in qu>>User Response: Re-iss that the probe G>set_phelRONG>< cl valients a stoporocess orest. on repre>
ASC_phase_data _PE_req_ifNG>

Explanation: A Phase orocess oression. set_phehe NG>< cl vali non-vaG>ProbeModulefelseifelRONG>< or in qu>>User Response: Re-iss that the probe G>set_phehe NG>< cl valients a stoporocess orest. on repre>
ASC_phase_data _PE_req_seqNG>

Explanation: The ProbeModulefelset < or in qu t spu a p TRONGrnaldata cess. ression.

>User Response: Re-iss that the probe ion yndsProbtratG>ProbeModulefelse.ll NG>< or in qu loadedoroces(fault Proce)ss oression.

Explanation: This iernal structwritep TROinNG>Ais_initiSSTRuoNG>User Response: Make sthe namif you we sm and fopersistss the resnt iatestruct The DP information about the problem and follow local site L. /ocedures for rep ing hardware and software problems.


Explanation: DPCL tTRONsmesster is specifilicmifzero thafor iten made as

User Response: GatherRee functifter makingied foyvoid buffROoftwaecutsmes>[ TopProbPage | P evious Page | Next Page | To setrobCont s | Ir pa ] TRONGBODY>