Objects of the AisStatus class store status and severity codes returned by other DPCL functions.
AisSeverityCode is used to indicate the severity level of the associated AisStatusCode. The following are members of the enumerated type of AisSeverityCode. Refer to DPCL Programming Guide for a full description of each status code.
Table 3. AisSeverity Enumeration Types
Enumeration Type | Description |
ASC_attention | The function completed, but the results may be incorrect. The returned AisStatusCode provides more information |
ASC_error | The function did not complete successfully. The returned AisStatusCode provides more information on the failure |
ASC_information | The function call completed normally. The returned AisStatusCode is returned for informational purposes only |
ASC_severe | The function did not complete successfully. The returned AisStatusCode provides more information on the failure |
The following are members of the enumerated type of AisStatusCode.
Table 4. AisStatus Enumeration Types
Enumeration Type | Description |
ASC_activate_failed | Not all the given probes have been activated successfully |
ASC_appl_has_no_procs | The application contains no processes |
ASC_arr_ptr_exp | An attempt was made to apply the array operator to a probe expression that is not a pointer |
ASC_auth_failed | The DCE credentials supplied by the DPCL client are not authorized for execution on this node |
ASC_authentication_failure | The DCE credentials supplied by the DPCL client program cannot be authenticated on this node |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_hostname | Error parsing the hostname in attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_ipaddr | Error parsing the ip address in the attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_numtask | Error parsing number of tasks in configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_pid | Error parsing the pid in attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_progname | Error parsing the program name in the attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_sid | Error parsing the sid in the attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_task | Error parsing a task number in attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_att_cfg_version | Error parsing version in attach configuration file |
ASC_bad_processd | Internal error caused by an object with an invalid state |
ASC_bad_pt_for_actual | Attempted to install a probe expression containing an actual parameter at an InstPoint other than IPT_function_entry, IPT_function_call, or IPL_before |
ASC_bad_pt_for_rtnval | DPCL internal error |
ASC_bad_groupid | DPCL internal error |
ASC_bad_rem_infile_open | During a create or bcreate request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for stdout on the remote node |
ASC_bad_rem_errfile_open | During a create or bcreate request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for stderr on the remote node |
ASC_bad_rem_outfile_open | During a create or bcreate request, the daemon was unable to open the file specified for stdin on the remote node |
ASC_bad_remote_stdin_filename | The remote_stdin_filename parameter is either NULL, or the filename specified in the parameter has length 0, or is longer than UNIX allows |
ASC_bad_remote_stdout_filename | The remote_stdout_filename parameter is either NULL, or the filename specified in the parameter has length 0, or is longer than UNIX allows |
ASC_bad_remote_stderr_filename | The remote_stderr_filename parameter is either NULL, or the filename specified in the parameter has length 0, or is longer than UNIX allows |
ASC_bad_userid | DPCL internal error |
ASC_cant_open_att_cfg_file | The configuration file for setting up the PoeAppl exists but is unable to be read |
ASC_child_failed | The initialization process for the DPCL daemon failed |
ASC_child_fork_failed | DPCL internal error |
ASC_communication_failure | An attempt to communicate with a DPCL daemon was unsuccessful |
ASC_contains_actual | One-shot probe must not contain an actual parameter |
ASC_contains_return_value | DPCL internal error |
ASC_create_msgh_failed | Internal error: failed to create an internal structure |
ASC_create_phase_failed | Internal error: failed to create an internal structure |
ASC_daem_close | DPCL internal error |
ASC_daem_start | DPCL internal error |
ASC_daemon_communication_error | DPCL internal error |
ASC_daemon_create_error | DPCL internal error |
ASC_daisd_cant_sock | A UNIX connect() call failed |
ASC_daisd_no_host_bname | An attempt was made to contact an unknown remote host |
ASC_daisd_no_info_fserv | An attempt was made to run a DPCL analysis tool on a host where DPCL is either not installed or was not installed successfully |
ASC_daisd_oconn_no_sock | A UNIX socket() call failed |
ASC_daisd_req_host | DPCL internal error |
ASC_deactivate_failed | DPCL internal error |
ASC_dead_code | DPCL internal error |
ASC_destroyed_process | An operation, such as connect, was attempted on a process that was previously destroyed |
ASC_disconnecting_process | You attempted an operation, such as connect or attach, on a process that is in the process of disconnecting. The DPCL system will later place this process in the PRC_disconnected state. |
ASC_duplicate_connect | A connect or bconnect call has been issued and the process is already in PRC_connected state |
ASC_duplicate_create | A create or bcreate function has been called on an object which has already been created |
ASC_duplicate_phase | User attempted to install the same Phase object more than once, which is not allowed |
ASC_duplicate_shm_init | Internal error: an initialization function is called more than once |
ASC_duplicate_signal | The signal handler for the specified signal has already been added by a prior call to Ais_add_signal |
ASC_empty_att_cfg_file | The configuration file for setting up the PoeAppl exists and is readable but contains no information. This could occur if DPCL attempts to read the wrong file by providing a faulty pid. Another reason could be that POE was unable to write the configuration file to /tmp. |
ASC_empty_object | A member function of the Application class has been called where the Application object contains no member processes. |
ASC_exec_failed | DPCL internal error |
ASC_exist_pid | The pid supplied by the user is already in use by DPCL |
ASC_exp_int_ptr_ops | One or both operands of an operator must be an integer or pointer probe expression |
ASC_exp_intg_typ | The index operand of a array operator does not represent an integer-valued probe expression |
ASC_exptree_con_bad_typ | DPCL internal error |
ASC_expand_failed | DPCL internal error |
ASC_failed_rhost_check | The .rhosts file or the /etc/hosts.equiv file on the node that the DPCL client is attempting to connect to does not allow access to the system by this user |
ASC_failure | General failure on a specific DPCL call |
ASC_function_op_req | The ProbeExp::call operator was used with a probe expression object other than a function reference (DEN_function_type) |
ASC_identd_failed | An attempt to authenticate the userid by using the identd protocol failed |
ASC_index_out_of_range | You requested an actual parameter with an invalid index (either less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of function parameters) |
ASC_initialized_process | create does not want process initialized with process identifier |
ASC_install_failed | Install failed on the install_probe call |
ASC_insufficient_memory | Internal error: A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough memory available. DPCL continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent problems. |
ASC_int_ptr_exp | The invoking object of a ProbeExp::ifelse call is not of the correct type |
ASC_internal_error | This message arises when unexpected values occur in certain parts of DPCL |
ASC_invalid_client | Internal error: failed to find an ID in an internal table |
ASC_invalid_constructor | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_expression | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_internal_tree | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_operand | In Ais_signal call, the signal number is outside the defined domain. In Phase-related calls, the given function is not a valid function reference |
ASC_invalid_operator | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_phase | A Phase object associated with a phase operation is not initialized |
ASC_invalid_pid | This occurs primarily in standard callbacks when an operation such as a disconnect is performed on a pid that doesn't exist. This could be that the user provided a pid that never existed, or in the case of connect, it could be an internal error. |
ASC_invalid_src_code_tree | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_value_ref | DPCL internal error |
ASC_invalid_version | The DPCL version number sent from your DPCL client program does not match the version of the DPCL daemons |
ASC_irpc_failed | IRPC failed |
ASC_lvalue_exp | An attempt was made to store a value in a probe expression that does not represent a memory storage location |
ASC_mismatch_pid | Internal error: failed to match a process ID in a table |
ASC_missing_aout | Missing a.out file |
ASC_missing_bp_func | A function associated with a Phase object cannot be found |
ASC_missing_phase | A Phase object associated with a phase operation does not exist |
ASC_missing_phase_str | Internal error: an internal structure does not exist |
ASC_missing_pmod | DPCL internal error |
ASC_missing_predef_func | DPCL internal error |
ASC_module_already_loaded | Attempt to load the same probe module twice in the same Process |
ASC_module_already_unloaded | Attempt to unload a probe module that is already unloaded |
ASC_module_invalid | The ProbeModule name given is invalid |
ASC_module_not_found | The module operated upon cannot be found. This can be a case of undefined module name or module not loaded properly. |
ASC_msg_init_failed | Internal error: failed to initialize a message queue in an allocated shared memory segment |
ASC_msg_read_failed | Internal error: failed to read messages from the message queue |
ASC_no_att_cfg_file | Could not find attach configuration file |
ASC_no_connect_from_attached | A connect or bconnect call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_attached state |
ASC_no_connect_from_created | A connect or bconnect call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_created state |
ASC_no_credentials | The DPCL client did not pass any DCE credentials when trying to connect to or start a process on this node |
ASC_no_create_from_attached | A create or bcreate call has been issued against a process in the PRC_attached state |
ASC_no_create_from_connected | A create or bcreate call has been issued against a process in the PRC_connected state |
ASC_no_daemon_fd | During a create or bcreate request, the daemon was unable to set up a pipe for sending stdin to the target application. This create request has failed. |
ASC_no_deref_vptr | An attempt was made to dereference a probe expression representing a void pointer |
ASC_no_detach_from_connected | A detach or bdetach call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_connected state |
ASC_no_detach_from_created | Can issue start, attach, or destroy from created state |
ASC_no_destroy_from_connected | A destroy or bdestroy call has been issued against a process object which is in the PRC_connected state |
ASC_no_disconnect_from_created | A disconnect or bdisconnect call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_created state |
ASC_no_procsinfo | An attempt to connect to a process has been made. The UNIX process table does not have an entry for this particular process. |
ASC_no_resume_when_running | A resume or bresume call has been issued against a process object that is running |
ASC_no_start_from_attached | A start or bstart call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_attached state |
ASC_no_start_from_connected | A start or bstart call has been issued against a process object in the PRC_connected state |
ASC_no_sus_res_from_connected | A suspend, bsuspend, resume, or bresume call has been issued against a process which is in the PRC_connected state. The call has had no effect |
ASC_no_sus_res_from_created | A suspend, bsuspend, resume, or bresume call has been issued against a process which is in the PRC_created state. The call has had no effect |
ASC_no_resume_when_running | A resume or bresume call has been issued against a process object which is running |
ASC_no_suspend_when_not_running | suspend or bsuspend call has been issued against a process object which is not running |
ASC_non_positive_value | Phase period value is not positive |
ASC_not_expansible | Attempt to expand a data object that cannot be expanded further |
ASC_not_full_path | A create or bcreate call has been made, where one of the parameters that requires a full path to the filename was not specified as such. The path, remote_stdin_filename, remote_stdout_filename, and remote_stderr_filename parameters on the create and bcreate call require full path names. |
ASC_null_pointer | Attempt to call phase-related functions without a valid Process or module |
ASC_operation_failed | Operation failed. May be an internal error or the result of an invalid index. |
ASC_phase_exit_done | A Phase object, associated with the set_phase_exit() call, has completed its execution. The set_phase_exit() call will have no effect on the Phase object. |
ASC_phase_malloc_data_failed | Internal error: DPCL daemon failed to allocate a probe data for a Phase object |
ASC_phase_null_data_func | An attempt to allocate a block of probe data for a Phase object failed because the Phase object does not have a data function associated with it. |
ASC_process_already_attached | An attach or battach call has been issued against a process object which is already in PRC_attached state. Note that it may be this DPCL analysis tool or another which is in the PRC_attached state. Only one DPCL analysis tool may be attached to a particular process at a time |
ASC_process_not_connected | The DPCL client attempted to perform an operation on a process that is either not connected to, or has since been disconnected from. This error can occur if the client attempts to install probes on a process that is not connected. |
ASC_process_not_created | A send_stdin call has been made against a process object which was not initially created with a create or bcreate call |
ASC_proto_few_par | The function prototype object of a ProbeType::get_actual call does not have enough parameters defined for the index requested |
ASC_proto_ret_no_void | DPCL internal error |
ASC_PT_func_proto | The invoking ProbeType object of a ProbeType::get_actual call does not represent a function prototype |
ASC_ptr_exp | The invoking object of a ProbeExp::operator* call does not represent a pointer |
ASC_remote_stdin_file | A send_stdin call has been made against a process object which was created by a DPCL create or bcreate call. When the create or bcreate call was made, the remote_stdin_file parameter was specified. This overrides any further ability to use the send_stdin call against this process |
ASC_remove_failed | Failed to remove one or more probes |
ASC_remove_msgh_failed | Internal error: an internal structure does not exist |
ASC_root_not_allowed | The root userid is not allowed to start or connect to a process with DPCL using the COMPAT security model |
ASC_duplicate_shm_init | Duplicate shm init |
ASC_security_failure | DPCL internal error |
ASC_security_init_failed | DPCL internal error |
ASC_shm_attach_failed | The target application failed to attach to the shared memory segment allocated by the DPCL daemon |
ASC_shm_block_alloc_failed | Internal error: failed to allocate a block in a shared memory segment |
ASC_shm_init_failed | Internal error: DPCL daemon failed to initialize a shared memory segment |
ASC_shm_object_alloc_failed | Internal error: failed to allocate an object in a shared memory segment |
ASC_shm_verify_failed | Internal error: verification on a shared memory segment failed |
ASC_shmat_failed | A call to shmat failed |
ASC_shmctl_failed | A call to shmctl failed |
ASC_shmdt_failed | A call to shmdt failed |
ASC_shmget_failed | A call to shmget failed |
ASC_success | The operation has completed successfully |
ASC_terminated_pid | An attempt to issue a Process-related call on a terminated process |
ASC_type_mismatch | The operands of a probe-expression operator have incompatible data types |
ASC_uninitialized_daemon | DPCL internal error |
ASC_uninitialized_process | Internal error: an internal structure does not exist |
ASC_unknown_status | DPCL expected an AisStatus object to be of a specific value, but it had some other value instead |
ASC_valid_pe_req_assign | An attempt was made to store a value in a probe expression that does not represent a valid probe expression |
ASC_valid_pe_req_else | A valid probe expression is required for the else clause of a ProbeExp::ifelse operator |
ASC_valid_pe_req_if | A valid probe expression is required for the then clause of a ProbeExp::ifelse operator |
ASC_valid_pe_req_seq | The ProbeExp::call operator was used with a probe expression object other than a function reference (DEN_function_type) |
The AisStatusCode enumeration type is used to indicate the completion status of a call to a DPCL function. AisStatusCode is used in conjunction with AisSeverityCode to indicate the success or failure of that call.
#include <AisStatus.h> AisStatus( AisStatusCode status = ASC_success, AisSeverity severity = ASC_information) AisStatus(const AisStatus ©);
Class constructor. This constructor initializes an AisStatus object to reflect the specific status and severity codes.
#include <AisStatus.h> void add_data(const char *data)
Adds one data value to the list of data associated with this Ais_status object.
See Also
data_count, data_value, data_value_length
#include <AisStatus.h> int data_count(void) const;
Returns the number of data values associated with this condition.
Return Values
Returns the count of data values reflected in the object.
#include <AisStatus.h> char *data_value( int i, char *buffer, unsigned int len) const;
A NULL-terminated string representation of the ith data value will be placed at the location specified by buffer. The value may be truncated if the len parameter is smaller than the length of the data value.
Return Values
If the index is valid, in other words, 0 <= i < data_count(), then the return value is a pointer to buffer containing, at most, len bytes of the data value.
It returns NULL if the index is not valid.
See Also
data_count, data_value_length
#include <AisStatus.h> unsigned int data_value_length(int i) const;
Returns the length, including the terminating NULL byte, of the string representation of the ith data value.
Return Values
If the index is valid, in other words, 0 <= i < data_count(), then the return value is the length of the ith data value.
It returns 0 if the index is not valid.
See Also
data_count, data_value
#include <AisStatus.h> AisStatus &operator = (const AisStatus ©)
Assigns the value of the right-hand operand to the invoking object. The left-hand operand is the invoking object.
For example,
Ais_Status rhs, lhs; ... lhs = rhs;
assigns the value of rhs to lhs. Both Ais_Status objects contain the same value.
Return Values
Returns a reference to the left-hand side of the assignment.
#include <AisStatus.h> operator AisStatusCode(void) const;
Cast function. Returns the AisStatusCode contained in the object.
The following is an example of how this function could be coded:
AisStatus full_status; AisStatusCode status_code;
status_code=(AisStatusCode) full_status;
Return Values
Returns the status code in the object, of data type AisStatusCode.
#include <AisStatus.h> operator int(void) const;
Cast function. Returns the integer equivalent of the status code reflected in the object. A status value of 0 reflects success.
Return Values
Returns the integer equivalent of the status value AisStatusCode, and 0 reflects success.
#include <AisStatus.h> AisSeverityCode severity(void) const;
Returns the severity contained in the object.
Return Values
Returns the severity code in the object, of data type AisSeverityCode.
#include <AisStatus.h> AisStatusCode status(void) const;
Returns the status code contained in the object.
Return Values
Returns the status code in the object, of data type AisStatusCode.
#include <AisStatus.h> const char *status_name(void) const;
Returns the name of the status code contained in the object. The name is in American English, and the string is stored in a constant array within the function. This function is intended only for limited diagnostic use during tool development.
Return Values
Returns the name of the status code in the object, of data type char *.