Dynamic Probe Class Library

Dynamic Probe Class Library Programming Guide

Chapter 2. What are the DPCL classes?

The following information is a summary of each of the DPCL classes that your analysis tool can use to instrument a target application. Before reading this information, you should first understand the concepts introduced in Chapter 1, What is DPCL? (which provides a high-level description of the DPCL system and shows how its various parts work together to enable analysis tools to instrument one or more target application processes). The following DPCL class summary builds on this earlier description of the DPCL system by describing the DPCL classes that represent the elements of the DPCL system (target application processes, probes, instrumentation points, and so on). In doing so, it provides an overview of the purpose of each class, along with information on its supporting data types and functions. For complete reference information on any of the classes, data types, and functions summarized here, refer to DPCL's UNIX man pages or the DPCL Class Reference.

The following summary of the DPCL classes and functions is divided into the following sections:

What are the Process, Application, and PoeAppl classes?

This section describes the three classes that an analysis tool can use to represent, and act upon, the target application process(es). These are the Process class (described in What is the Process class? and used to represent a single UNIX process), the Application class (described in What is the Application class? and used to represent a group of related UNIX processes), and the PoeAppl class (described in What is the PoeAppl class?, this class is derived from the Application class, and used to represent POE applications).

What is the Process class?

The Process class (defined in the header file Process.h) is the most fundamental of all the DPCL classes. Instances of this class represent a single target application process. The analysis tool can use objects of this class to connect to an existing target application process, or create a new process. First, the analysis tool creates an instance of the Process class. Depending on the constructor used, the Process object may, or may not, have values that identify a particular UNIX process by host name and process ID.

Once connected to the process, member functions of this class enable the analysis tool to:

For additional process control, an analysis tool can also attach to the process. By attaching to the process, the analysis tool can control its execution. Specifically, once attached to the process, the analysis tool can call member functions of the Process class to:

In order to manipulate processes, you must understand the concept of process connect states. A Process object's connect state reflects the relationship between the Process class object in the analysis tool and the actual UNIX process it represents. The various Process connect states are enumerated in the ConnectState type; the Process::query_state function returns one of the enumeration constants of the ConnectState type to indicate the Process object's connect state.

A Process object's connect state reflects what actions can be performed on the actual UNIX process through DPCL function calls. For example, your analysis tool cannot execute probes within a target application process unless the analysis tool is "connected" or "attached" to that process. The "connected" state is represented by the enumeration constant PRC_connected of the ConnectState enumeration type, and the "attached" state is represented by the constant PRC_attached. When the analysis tool calls certain functions to act upon a process, the DPCL system checks the Process object's connect state to determine if the action is allowed. If it is not allowed, the operation fails.

Certain member functions of the Process class serve to move the Process object from one state to another. For example, the analysis tool can establish a communication connection to a UNIX process by calling the Process::connect function, or its blocking equivalent Process::bconnect. In addition to establishing the communication connection that allows the analysis tool to install probes into the target application process, these functions also move the Process object's connect state from PRC_unconnected to PRC_connected.

As already mentioned, the analysis tool can query a Process object's connect state by calling the Process::query_state function. This enables the analysis tool to check a process' state before making a DPCL service request that may not be allowed.

Figure 7. Process connect state diagram

View figure.

The preceding figure illustrates the various process connect states and shows the enumeration constants of the ConnectState enumeration type. It also shows the constructors, operations, and functions that place a Process object into a particular connect state. For additional explanation of this figure, refer to the following key:

If the analysis tool creates a Process class object using the default constructor, the Process object's initial connect state is PRC_pre_create. The PRC_pre_create connect state means that the Process object does not yet represent a particular process. In other words, it does not yet have values indicating a particular host name and process ID. The analysis tool can either assign these values to the Process object ((c)), or create a process ((d))

If the analysis tool creates a Process class object using the non-default constructor, the Process object's initial connect state is PRC_unconnected. The PRC_unconnected connect state means that, although the Process object has values indicating a particular host name and process ID, it is not yet connected to the process. In fact, the DPCL system does not at this point even know if the Process object's host and process ID values are valid. Now that it has a Process object that represents a particular UNIX process, however, the analysis tool can connect to it ((e)).

Using an assignment operator, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_pre_create connect state to the PRC_unconnected connect state. The assignment operation assigns values to the Process object indicating a particular host name and process ID. The analysis tool can then attempt to connect to the process indicated ((e))

Using the create or bcreate function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_pre_create connect state to the PRC_created connect state. The create and bcreate functions create a UNIX process on a particular host, but suspends execution of the process at its first executable instruction. The analysis tool can start the process running ((g)), attach to the process ((h)), or terminate the process ((j)).

Using the connect or bconnect function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_unconnected connect state to the PRC_connected connect state. The connect and bconnect functions establish a connection to the actual UNIX process represented by the Process object. In the PRC_connected state, the analysis tool is able to install and execute probes within the target application process. For additional process control (specifically, the ability to suspend, resume, and destroy the process), the analysis tool can attach to the process ((h)).

Using the disconnect or bdisconnect function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_connected or PRC_attached connect state, back to the PRC_unconnected connect state. Although the Process object will have values indicating a particular host name and process ID, it will no longer be connected to the process. The analysis tool can, if desired, reconnect to the Process ((e)).

Using the start or bstart function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_created connect state to the PRC_connected connect state. The start and bstart functions start execution of the target application process. Once in the PRC_connected connect state, the analysis tool is able to install and execute probes within the target application process. For additional process control (specifically, the ability to suspend, resume, and destroy the process), the analysis tool can attach to the process ((h)).

Using the attach or battach function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_created or PRC_connected connect state to the PRC_attached connect state. In the PRC_attached connect state, the analysis tool can install and execute probes within the target application process (as in the PRC_connected connect state), and can also control execution of the process. Moving to the PRC_attached connect state automatically suspends execution of the process. This enables the analysis tool to perform actions on the process (such as installing probes) before resuming its execution. The analysis tool can resume execution of the suspended process. Once resumed, the analysis tool can again suspend the process' execution. The analysis tool can also terminate ((j)) the process. Since only one analysis tool may be attached to a particular process at a time, your analysis tool may wish to detach itself from the process ((i)) when it is through controlling its execution.

Using the detach or bdetach function, the analysis tool can move a Process from the PRC_attached connect state to the PRC_connected connect state. The analysis tool will no longer be able to directly control execution of the process, but in the PRC_connected connect state will still be able to install and execute probes within the process.

When the Process object is in the PRC_created or PRC_attached connect state, the analysis tool can destroy (terminate) the process using the destroy or bdestroy function. This places the Process object in the PRC_destroyed state.

Table 3 summarizes the various functions of the Process class. Since many of the actions carried out by the functions can occur on remote hosts, note that blocking and nonblocking versions of the same functionality are usually provided. As described in What are blocking and nonblocking API calls?, blocking calls do not return control to the analysis tool until they either succeed or fail in carrying out the requisite service, while the nonblocking calls return immediately, enabling the analysis tool to continue with other work. Since the nonblocking calls return immediately, however, that returned status indicates only whether or not the request was successfully made; it does not indicate whether or not the request succeeded. For this reason, when calling a nonblocking function, the analysis tool can specify an acknowledgment callback routine. Once the operation succeeds or fails, the DPCL system will trigger execution of this callback routine and pass it the status information in the form of an AisStatus object (described in What is the AisStatus class?). An acknowledgment callback not only enables the analysis tool to perform status error checking, but also enables the analysis tool to be structured in a more event-driven manner. For example, the acknowledgment callback for the Process::connect function could check that the operation succeeded, and then could call the Process::attach function to attach to the process. Similarly, the acknowledgment callback for the Process::attach function could contain code for the next piece of work. While the nonblocking calls enable you to structure your analysis tool program in this sort of event driven manner, the blocking calls enable you to structure your analysis tool program in a more traditional way that is more straightforward and, therefore, easier to code.

For complete information on any of the functions summarized in this table, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 3. Process class function summary
Calling the function: Does this: In order for the DPCL system to carry out this service request, the Process object's connect state must be:


activates one or more point probes that have been installed (by the install_probe or binstall_probe function) within the process. Activating a point probe will cause the probe to run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


Adds a new phase (the control mechanism for invoking phase probes at set intervals) to the process. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


allocates memory within the process for use by probes. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


Attaches to the process. This action changes the Process object's connect state to PRC_attached. Attaching to a process also suspends its execution in the same way that a call to the suspend or bsuspend function would. This enables the analysis tool to install probes in the process before resuming its execution with a call to the resume or bresume function. PRC_connected or PRC_created


Connects to the process. This action changes the Process object's connect state from PRC_unconnected to PRC_connected. PRC_unconnected


creates a new process running on a specified host. This action changes the Process object's connect state from PRC_pre_create to PRC_created. PRC_pre_create


Deactivates one or more point probes that have been installed (by the install_probe or binstall_probe function) and activated (by the activate_probe or bactivate_probe function) within the process. Once deactivated, a probe will no longer run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attatched


Destroys (terminates) the process. This action changes the Process object's connect state from PRC_created or PRC_attached to PRC_destroyed. PRC_created or PRC_attached


detaches the analysis tool from the process. This action changes the Process object's connect state from PRC_created or PRC_attached to PRC_connected. PRC_created or PRC_attached


disconnects the analysis tool from the process. This action changes the Process object's connect state to PRC_unconnected. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


executes a one-shot probe within the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


deallocates memory within the process previously allocated by alloc_mem or balloc_mem. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
get_host_name copies into a buffer a null-terminated string that represents the name of the host on which the process is running. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.
get_host_name_length returns the name length, including the terminating null byte, of the host machine on which the process is running. (Used to determine the maximum size of the buffer when calling the get_host_name function.) Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.
get_pid Returns the UNIX process ID for the process. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.
get_phase_period returns the time duration, in seconds, between successive activations of a particular phase in the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
get_program_object Returns the top-level source object associated with the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
get_task Returns the task identifier associated with the process. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.


installs one or more probes as point probes within the process. Once activated (by the activate_probe or bactivate_probe function), a point probe will run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


Loads a probe module in the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected or PRC_attached
operator = Assigns values to the Process object. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.
query_state Returns the connect state of the Process object. Not applicable. Queries the Process object's connect state.


Removes a phase (the control mechanism for invoking phase probes at set intervals) from the process. The phase will have been previously added to the process by the add_phase or badd_phase function. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


Removes one or more point probes from the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


resumes execution of the process (if it has been previously suspended by the suspend, bsuspend, attach, or battach functions). PRC_attached
send_stdin Provides text to be used as standard input to the process (when the analysis tool has created the process using the create or bcreate function). PRC_created. This service request can also be carried out in the PRC_connected or PRC_attached states as long as the Process was once in the PRC_created state (in other words, created by the create or bcreate function).


Specifies a set of exit functions to be executed when a phase is removed. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


Changes the time interval between successive activations of a particular phase. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


Starts a process that has been created using the create or bcreate functions. Such a process will have been started, but suspended at its first executable instruction. This action changes the Process object's connect state from PRC_created to PRC_connected. PRC_created


Suspends execution of the process. The analysis tool can resume execution of the process by calling the resume or bresume function. PRC_attached


unloads a probe module from the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached

What is the Application class?

The Application class (defined in the header file Application.h) is a grouping of related Process class objects. By grouping a number of Process objects under an Application object, the analysis tool is able to manipulate a set of related UNIX processes (represented by the Process objects) as a single unit. For example, say the target application is a parallel program that follows the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model. To connect to its processes, your analysis tool could make a separate call to the Process::connect or Process::bconnect function for each process. A more convenient approach, however, is to group the Process objects under an Application object; the analysis tool can then connect to all the processes managed by the Application object by making a single call to the Application::connect or Application::bconnect function. The Application class function makes the individual service requests for each process managed by the Application object. The analysis tool uses the Application::add_process function to group processes under the Application object.

Figure 8. Process objects grouped under an Application object. In this figure, six Process objects are grouped under an Application object. Here, the analysis tool is trying to connect to the UNIX processes represented by the Process objects. It can do this either by making a separate Process::connect or Process::bconnect call for each process, or by making a single call to Application::connect or Application::bconnect.

View figure.

It is important to understand that an Application object can be any grouping of Process objects, and not necessarily all the processes in a parallel application. It may, for example, be only a subset of the parallel application's processes, or, in fact, any set of UNIX processes. What's more, a single Process object may be grouped under several different Application objects. For example, say you have a parallel program that follows the Multiple Program Multiple Data (MPMD) model and solves a particular problem using functional parallelism. In this case, let's say that three separate programs were created to perform specific work; at run time, multiple processes for each executable program will run. For certain actions, it will be convenient to have a single Application object that manages all of the target application processes. This would enable the analysis tool to, using a single function call, perform certain actions on all processes (such as connecting to, suspending, resuming, terminating, or disconnecting from the processes). On the other hand, because the analysis tool is dealing with a target application composed from multiple programs, there are certain actions that it should not perform globally on all processes. It would not, for example, make sense to install a point probe in all the processes globally because a valid instrumentation point for some processes would not be valid for others. In this case, your analysis tool might organize the processes under four separate Application objects. One Application object could contain all the Process objects and be used by global operations. Each of the other three Application objects could contain just the Process objects associated with one of the three source programs. Figure 9 illustrates this situation; to simplify the figure, only six processes are illustrated.

Figure 9. Process objects grouped under multiple Application objects. In this figure, the Process objects are grouped under four separate Application objects. This enables the analysis tool to call an Application class function to manipulate all, or only a select subset, of the target application processes.

View figure.

By comparing Table 3 and Table 4, you can clearly see that most of the Process class functions have equivalent functions in the Application class. The difference between a Process and an Application version of a function is that the Application class version of the function carries out the request for all of the processes managed by the Application object. Therefore, member functions of the Application class enable the analysis tool to:

Additional functions of the Application class enable the analysis tool to:

Table 4 summarizes the various functions of the Application class. Since many of the actions carried out by these functions can occur on remote hosts, note that, as in the Process class, blocking and nonblocking versions of the same functionality is usually provided. Also note that the majority of the Application class functions carry out some service request for all of the Process objects managed by the Application object, and the action requested may succeed on certain processes while failing on others. This adds additional complexity to error status checking. Specifically:

The AisStatus object is described in What is the AisStatus class?. Error checking considerations for Application functions are described in Chapter 4, Performing status error checking.

For more information on the Process object connect state information shown in this table, refer to Figure 7. For complete information on any of the functions summarized in this table, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 4. Application class function summary
Calling the function: Does this: In order for the DPCL system to carry out this service request for a particular process managed by the Application object, the Process object's connect state must be:


Within each process managed by this Application object, activates one or more point probes that have been installed (by the install_probe or binstall_probe function) within the process. Activating a point probe will cause the probe to run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, adds a new phase (the control mechanism for invoking phase probes at set intervals) to the process. PRC_connected or PRC_attached
add_process Adds a process (Process object) to the set of processes managed by this Application object. The analysis tool can later remove this process from the set of processes managed by the application by calling the Application::remove_process function. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.


Within each process managed by this Application object, allocates memory for use by probes. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, attaches the analysis tool to the process. This action changes each Process object's connect state to PRC_attached. Attaching to the processes managed by the Application object also suspends their execution in the same way that a call to the suspend or bsuspend function would. This enables the analysis tool to install probes in the processes before resuming their execution with a call to the resume or bresume function. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, connects the analysis tool to the process. This action changes each Process object's connect state from PRC_unconnected to PRC_connected. PRC_unconnected


For each process managed by this Application object, deactivates one or more point probes that have been installed (by the install_probe or binstall_probe function) and activated (by the activate_probe or bactivate_probe function) within the process. Once deactivated, a probe will no longer run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, destroys (terminates) the process. This action changes each Process object's connect state from PRC_created or PRC_attached to PRC_destroyed. PRC_created or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, detaches the analysis tool from the process. This action changes each Process object's connect state from PRC_created or PRC_attached to PRC_connected. PRC_created or PRC_attached


For each process object managed by this Application object, disconnects the analysis tool from the process. This action changes each Process object's connect state to PRC_unconnected. PRC_connected or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this application object, executes a one-shot probe within the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this application object, deallocates memory within the process previously allocated by the alloc_mem or balloc_mem function. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
get_count Returns the number of processes (Process objects) currently managed by this application object. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.
get_process Returns a particular Process object from the set of those managed by this Application object. This enables the analysis tool to act upon the individual process independent of the other processes managed by this Application object. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.


For each process managed by this Application object, installs one or more probes as point probes within the process. Once activated (by the activate_probe or bactivate_probe function), a point probe will run when execution reaches its installed location in the code. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, loads a probe module in the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
operator = Assigns values to the Application object. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.


For each process managed by this Application object, removes a phase (the control mechanism for invoking phase probes at set intervals) from the process. The phase will have been previously added to the application's processes by the add_phase or badd_phase functions. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, removes one or more point probes from the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached
remove_process Removes a particular process (Process object) from the set of those managed by this Application object. Not applicable. This is a local operation within the analysis tool process only.


For each process managed by this Application object, resumes execution of the process (if it has been suspended by the suspend, bsuspend, attach, or battach functions). PRC_attached
send_stdin For each process managed by this Application object, provides text to be used as standard input to the process (when the analysis tool has created the process using the Process::create or Process::bcreate function). PRC_created. This service request can also be carried out in the PRC_connected or PRC_attached connect state as long as the Process objects managed by this Application object were once in the PRC_created connect state (in other words, created by the create or bcreate function).


For each process managed by this Application object, specifies a set of exit functions to be executed when a phase is removed. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, changes the time interval between successive activations of a particular phase. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, starts the process (which will have been created using the Process::create or Process::bcreate function). Such a process will have been started, but suspended at its first executable instruction. This action changes each Process object's connect state from PRC_created to PRC_connected. PRC_created
status Returns, for a particular Process object managed by this Application object, the status (AisStatus object) for the most recent Application function call. If an Application function call does not succeed for all processes managed by the Application object, this enables the analysis tool to check the status of each Process object individually. Not applicable. This function is designed for error status checking and is not related to process connect states.


For each process managed by this Application object, suspends execution of the process. The analysis tool can resume execution of the processes by calling the resume or bresume function. PRC_attached


For each process managed by this Application object, unloads a probe module from the process. PRC_created, PRC_connected, or PRC_attached

What is the PoeAppl class?

The PoeAppl class (defined in the header file PoeAppl.h) is derived from the Application class; its purpose is to provide additional convenience functions for connecting to or starting a job in the Parallel Operation Environment (POE). POE (which is fully described in the manual IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1) is an execution environment designed to hide, or at least smooth, the differences between serial and parallel execution. In POE, you execute a program from a "home node" (which can be any workstation on the LAN), and POE will, sometimes in conjunction with IBM LoadLeveler, allocate host machines on which the various processes of your POE job will run. A number of POE environment variables enable you to control such things as how the system resources are allocated and how standard I/O between the home node and the processes of your program should be handled.

Table 5 summarizes the various functions of the PoeAppl class. As already stated, the purpose of this class is simply to provide additional convenience functions for either connecting to or starting a POE job. Since this class is derived from the Application class, all of the Application class functions are available to objects of the PoeAppl class. For complete information on any of the functions summarized in the table, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 5. PoeAppl class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:


Creates a POE application in a suspended state. Arguments to these functions enable you to specify the POE home node, arguments for the poe command or the target application, environment variable settings that effect the POE execution environment, and files for remote stdin, stdout, and stderr. After this operation completes, the PoeAppl object will contain Process objects that represent the various processes of the POE application. Since this function creates the POE application in a suspended state, each process will have been suspended at its first executable instruction (as represented by the PRC_connected state). To start the processes running, the analysis tool can call the Application::start or Application::bstart function. To manipulate any of the processes on an individual basis (using Process class functions), the analysis tool can call the Application::get_process function to return a particular Process object.


Initializes an empty PoeAppl object to contain Process objects representing a particular POE target application's processes. To connect to these running processes, the analysis tool can call the Application::connect or Application::bconnect function.
send_stdin Provides text to be used as input to the POE home node process for the stdin device (file descriptor 0). To use this function, the POE application must have been created using the PoeAppl::create or PoeAppl::bcreate function.

What are the ProbeExp, ProbeHandle, and ProbeModule classes?

This section describes the three classes that an analysis tool can use to represent, and act upon, probes. These are:

What is the ProbeExp class?

The ProbeExp class (defined in the header file ProbeExp.h) is used to represent probe expressions to be executed within one or more target application processes. As described in What is a probe expression?, probe expressions are "abstract syntax trees" -- data structures that represent logic removed from any particular syntactic representation. The term "abstract syntax tree" is one we have borrowed from compiler technology. Compilers create abstract syntax trees from a program's source code as an intermediary stage before manipulating and converting them into executable instructions. The DPCL system needs to create these abstract syntax tree data structures for the same reason that compilers do -- freed from a particular syntactic representation, they can be more easily converted into executable instructions. This is because a compiler (or, in this case, the DPCL system) only has to translate the abstract logic into executable instructions, and does not need to parse a particular language.

A probe expression could be a simple one that represents, for example, a persistent data value or a variable data value. In this case, the abstract syntax tree would be a very simple one consisting of a single node. These simple probe expressions, however, could be combined into more complex ones representing such things as operations, conditional statements, sequences of expressions, and function calls. For example, Figure 10 illustrates how an analysis tool could create the abstract syntax tree to represent the expression a + (b * c).

Figure 10. Building an abstract syntax tree. This figure builds an abstract syntax tree to represent the expression a + (b * c). First, in (1), three separate probe expressions are created to represent the variable values a, b, and c. These will be the abstract syntax tree's end, or "terminal" nodes. Next, in (2), the probe expressions representing the variables b and c are combined into a single probe expression representing the multiplication operation b * c. Finally, in (3), the probe expression representing the variable x is combined with the probe expression representing the multiplication operation to form the probe expression representing the operation a + (b * c). Figure 11 expands on this abstract syntax tree to create a probe expression representing conditional logic.

View figure.

The following figure builds further on the abstract syntax tree created in Figure 10 to form a more complex abstract syntax tree to represent the conditional expression:

if (x == a + (b * c))


Figure 11. Building a more complex abstract syntax tree. This figure builds on the probe expression created in Figure 10 to create a more complex probe expression representing a conditional expression in which a function is called if the condition tests true. First, in (4) and (5), the existing probe expression is expanded to form the test condition x == a + (b * c). Then, in (6) and (7), the probe expression representing the function call is built. Finally, in (8), these two separate probe expressions are combined to form a probe expression representing the conditional statement.

View figure.

The member functions of the ProbeExp class are divided into two types -- those that the analysis tool can use to create probe expressions and so build abstract syntax trees, and those that the analysis tool can use to query and return values from probe expressions, and so navigate an abstract syntax tree. In addition to the member functions of the ProbeExp class, certain functions of other DPCL classes (such as the Process::alloc_mem, ProbeHandle::get_expression, and ProbeModule::get_reference functions) also return probe expressions.

First, let's discuss how an analysis tool goes about creating probe expressions and building the abstract syntax tree. The simplest probe expressions are those that consist of a single abstract syntax tree node. These, if combined into a larger probe expression, are referred to as "terminal nodes" because they have no child probe expression. In DPCL, terminal nodes can represent a persistent data value, a variable data value, or a reference to a function.
The analysis tool can create a probe expression representing a: By:
persistent data value
  • using the ProbeExp class constructors

variable data value
  • calling the Process::alloc_mem, Process::balloc_mem, Application::alloc_mem, or Application::balloc_mem function to allocate memory for the variable in the target application process(es).
  • calling the SourceObj::reference function to get a reference to a program variable.
  • calling the ProbeType::get_actual function to get the actual value of a function parameter in the target application.

reference to a function
  • calling the ProbeModule::get_reference function to get a reference to a probe module function.
  • calling the SourceObj::reference function to get a reference to a function in the target application.
  • using the predefined probe expression Ais_send (which references a function the analysis tool can use to send information from an installed probe back to the analysis tool.)

These simple probe expressions do not need to be combined into more complex ones. (Even a probe expression representing a reference to a probe module function does not need to be combined into a probe expression representing a function call since it can be specified as a phase probe when instantiating a Phase class object.) As already stated, however, these simple probe expressions can be combined into more complex ones. These more complex probe expressions can represent an operation, a function call, a sequence of instructions, and conditional logic.
The analysis tool can create a probe expression to represent: By:
an operation Using any of the regular operators (such as +, *, !=, and so on) which have been overloaded so that, within the context of a probe expression, they do not execute locally, but instead create a probe expression representing the operation. Since the assignment (=) and address (&) operators could not be easily overloaded, the ProbeExp class provides explicit member functions (ProbeExp::assign and ProbeExp::address) to perform these operations.
a function call calling the ProbeExp::call function.
a sequence of instructions calling the ProbeExp::sequence function.
conditional logic calling the ProbeExp::ifelse function.

Now let's discuss the ProbeExp class functions that enable the analysis tool to query and return information from probe expressions. In order to understand these functions, you should understand how DPCL represents operations, function calls, instruction sequences, and conditional logic as abstract syntax trees. The following figures illustrate these abstract syntax trees. In these figures, note that, for each node in the tree, the node type is shown. A probe expression's node type (as represented by one of the enumeration constants of the CodeExpNodeType enumeration type) represents the various operators and operands that may be found in a probe expression. For example, the enumeration constant CEN_mult_op indicates that the probe expression node represents a multiplication operation, and the enumeration constant CEN_call_op indicates that the probe expression node represents a function call. An analysis tool can ascertain a probe expression node type by calling the ProbeExp::get_node_type function.

Figure 12 shows probe expression abstract syntax trees representing the operations 8 * 2 and 10 + (8 * 2).

Figure 12. Probe expression abstract syntax trees representing operations

View figure.

Figure 13 shows probe expression abstract syntax trees representing the function calls my_function(x); and my_function(x, y, z);. Note that the function call node (CEN_call_op) cannot have more than two children. When there are more than two function call arguments, the CEN_list_item nodes are used to organize them into a deeper tree.

Figure 13. Probe expression abstract syntax trees representing function calls

View figure.

Figure 14 shows a probe expression abstract syntax tree that represents the instruction sequence x++; my_function(x);.

Figure 14. Probe expression abstract syntax tree representing an instruction sequence

View figure.

Figure 15 shows probe expression abstract syntax trees that represent the conditional statements if (x != 4) my_function(x); and if (x != 4) my_function(x); else my_other_function();. Note that both the "if..." and if... else" conditional statements are created using the same function call -- ProbeExp::ifelse. Note also that the "if... else" statement node (CEN_if_else_stmt) is the only node type that has three children.

Figure 15. Probe expression abstract syntax trees representing conditional statements

View figure.

To navigate and query a probe expression abstract syntax tree, the analysis tool uses member functions of the ProbeExp class designed for this purpose. The analysis tool can determine:

Table 6 summarizes the various functions of the ProbeExp class. For complete information on any of the functions summarized in the table, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 6. ProbeExp class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
address Creates a probe expression that represents the referencing of another probe expression. This function is provided because the & operator could not be easily overloaded since it is used in passing arguments to functions that use call-by-reference.
assign Creates a probe expression that represents the assignment of a value represented by one probe expression into a storage location represented by another probe expression. This function is provided because the = operator could not be easily overloaded without causing simple expression manipulation to become unwieldy.
call Creates a probe expression that represents a function call.
get_data_type Returns the data type (ProbeType object) of this probe expression. (For more information on ProbeType objects, refer to What is the ProbeType class?.)
get_node_type Returns the type of node at the root of this probe expression's abstract syntax tree.










Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not this probe expression represents a datum with the data type in question.


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not the probe expression has a string data type.




Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not the probe expression's node has child probe expression nodes (has_children), has a left-hand child node (has_left), has a right-hand child node (has_right), or has a center node (has_center).
ifelse Creates a probe expression that represents a conditional statement.
is_same_as Compares two probe expressions for equivalence.
operator + (binary or unary)

operator +=

operator - (binary or unary)

operator -=

operator * (binary or unary)

operator *=

operator /

operator /=

operator %

operator %=

operator ==

operator !

operator !=

operator <

operator <=

operator <<

operator <<=

operator >

operator >=

operator >>

operator >>=

operator & (binary or unary)

operator &=

operator &&

operator  |

operator |=

operator  ||

operator ^

operator ^=

operator  ~

operator []

Creates probe expressions to represent particular operations. These common operators have been overloaded so that, when used within the context of the ProbeExp class, they do not execute locally but instead create a probe expression that represent the operation.
Note:Not all of these operator functions are compatible with all operator types. Refer to the DPCL Class Reference for information on which types are valid for each overloaded operator function.
operator = Assigns values to the ProbeExp object.
sequence Creates a probe expression that represents the sequence of two probe expressions.








Returns the value, of the indicated type, contained within this probe expression.



Returns the value contained within a child probe expression of the calling probe expression.
value_text Copies, into a specified buffer, a string representing the value contained within this probe expression node.
value_text_length Returns the length of the text string contained within this probe expression node. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the value_text function will copy the text string.

What is the ProbeHandle class?

Objects of the ProbeHandle class (which is defined in the header file ProbeHandle.h) represent identifying handles to installed point probes. When the analysis tool installs one or more probes as point probes (using the Process::install_probe, Process::binstall_probe, Application::install_probe, or Application::binstall_probe function), the function called will return an output array containing ProbeHandle objects representing each of the installed point probes. Using these probe handles, the analysis tool can make subsequent DPCL function calls to manipulate the installed point probes. Specifically, the analysis tool can:

The following table summarizes the various functions of the ProbeHandle class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 7. ProbeHandle class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
get_expression Returns a copy of the probe expression (ProbeExp object) for the point probe represented by this ProbeHandle object. Using member functions of the ProbeExp object (described in What is the ProbeExp class?), the analysis tool can navigate this probe expression's abstract syntax tree to get information about the probe expression.
get_point Returns the instrumentation point (InstPoint object) at which the point probe represented by this ProbeHandle object was installed. Using member functions of the InstPoint object (described in What is the InstPoint class?), the analysis tool can get information about the instrumentation point at which the point probe has been installed.
operator = Assigns values to the ProbeHandle object.

What is the ProbeModule class?

Objects of the ProbeModule class (which is defined in the header file ProbeModule.h) represent probe modules that the analysis tool can load into one or more target application processes using the Process::load_module, Process::bload_module, Application::load_module, or Application::bload_module function. A probe module is a compiled object file containing one or more functions written in C. Once a probe module is loaded into a target application process, its functions are available to the analysis tool as if they were native to the target application.

To invoke a probe module function, the analysis tool can first get a reference to the function by calling the ProbeModule::get_reference function. This returns a probe expression (ProbeExp object) that represents a reference to the probe module function. This simple probe expression can be specified as a phase probe when instantiating or assigning values to a Phase class object (described in What is the Phase class?), or it can be combined (using the ProbeExp::call function) into a probe expression representing a function call. The probe expression representing a function call can then be installed as a point probe (using the Process::install_probe, Process::binstall_probe, Application::install_probe, or Application::binstall_probe) or executed as a one-shot probe (using the Process::execute, Process::bexecute, Application::execute, or Application::bexecute function).

The following table summarizes the various functions of the ProbeModule class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 8. ProbeModule class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
get_count Returns the number of functions contained in this probe module.
get_name Copies, into a specified buffer, the name of a particular function (as identified by a supplied index) in the module.
get_name_length Returns the length of the mangled name of a particular function in the module. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_name function will copy the function name.
operator = Assigns values to the ProbeModule object.
operator ==

operator !=

Compares two ProbeModule objects for equivalence.
get_reference Returns a probe expression (ProbeExp object) that represents a reference to a particular function within this probe module. The analysis tool can then use this probe expression in forming a more complex probe expression. In particular, the analysis tool can call the ProbeExp::call function to create a probe expression that represents a call to the particular probe module function.

What are the SourceObj and InstPoint classes?

This section describes two classes that the analysis tool can use to examine the source code associated with a target application process and identify locations, called "instrumentation points", where point probes can be installed. These are the SourceObj class (described in What is the SourceObj class? and used to represent the source code structure of a target application process) and InstPoint class (described in What is the InstPoint class? and used to represent instrumentation points).

What is the SourceObj class?

Objects of the SourceObj class (which is defined in the header file SourceObj.h) are called "source objects" and are used by the DPCL system to represent the source code structure associated with a target application process (Process object). The source code structure associated with a process is represented as a hierarchical tree of SourceObj objects -- with each SourceObj object in the tree representing a particular type of source object -- a program-level source object, a module-level source object, a function-level source object, or a data-level source object. The analysis tool can navigate and query this hierarchy of source objects to:

To get the top, program-level, source object associated with a process, the analysis tool calls the Process::get_program_object function. Since applications may be very large and the analysis tool (or the analysis tool user) may be interested only in a particular module (compilation unit) within the program, the hierarchy of SourceObj objects under the initial program-level source object does not represent the full source code structure. Instead, for performance reasons, the hierarchy of SourceObj objects reaches down only as far as the module level. The module-level source objects are children of the program-level source object. By calling the SourceObj::child function for the program-level source object, the analysis tool can get any of its child (module-level) source objects, and so navigate one level down the source code hierarchy. To navigate further down into the source hierarchy to examine additional program structure, the analysis tool can then call the SourceObj::expand or SourceObj::bexpand function for the module-level source object. The SourceObj::expand or SourceObj::bexpand functions expand the tree to include the low-level source objects.

The following figure illustrates how an analysis tool can obtain a program-level source object and expand one of its module level source objects so that the source object hierarchy then contains SourceObj object nodes for functions and global data variables. This figure shows the enumeration constants of the SourceType enumeration type. These enumeration constants are returned by the SourceObj::src_type function and identify the particular SourceObj node in the source hierarchy as either a program-level, module-level, function-level, or data-level source object.

Figure 16. Navigating and expanding a source hierarchy. First, in (1), the analysis tool calls the Process::get_program_object function to get the initial source hierarchy down to the module level. Then, in (2), the analysis tool calls the SourceObj::child function to navigate down one level in the source hierarchy. Then, in (3), the analysis tool calls the SourceObj::expand function to expand the particular module's hierarchy of function-level and data-level source objects.

View figure.

Once the source hierarchy has been expanded below a particular module-level source object, the analysis tool can navigate further down the hierarchy to obtain information about the module's functions and global data variables. In particular, if the source object is a function-level or data-level source object, the analysis tool can call the SourceObj::reference function to get a probe expression that represents a reference to that function or global data variable. Note that the SourceObj object representing a global data variable will only be found under the SourceObj object representing the module where the global data variable was defined.

The analysis tool can also identify instrumentation points (by calling the SourceObj::inclusive_point or SourceObj::exclusive_point functions) at which it can install probe expressions as point probes. These functions are described in greater detail next in What is the InstPoint class?.

The following table summarizes the various functions of the SourceObj class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 9. SourceObj class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
address_end Returns the address of the last element associated with this source object.
address_start Returns the address of the first element associated with this source object.
child Returns a particular child source object of this source object.
child_count Returns the number of child source objects for this source object.
exclusive_point Returns a particular instrumentation point (InstPoint object) within this source object.
exclusive_point_count Returns the number of instrumentation points (InstPoint objects) within this source object.



Expands an unexpanded module. Expanding a module enables the analysis tool to navigate further down into the source hierarchy, examining additional program structure (such as data, functions, and instrumentation points) in the module.
get_data_type When the source object represents a variable, returns a ProbeType object representing the data type of the variable.
get_demangled_name When the source object represents a function, copies, into a specified buffer, the demangled name of that function.
get_demangled_name_length When the source object represents a function, returns the length of the demangled name of the function. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_demangled_name function will copy the demangled function name.


Returns a list of function names (FunctionList object) that match a regular expression you supply.
get_mangled_name When the source object represents a function, copies, into a specified buffer, the mangled name of that function.
get_mangled_name_length When the source object represents a function, returns the length of the mangled name of the function. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_mangled_name function will copy the mangled function name.
get_program_type Indicates whether the program is using the 32-bit or 64-bit address memory model. This function indicates this information by returning one of the enumeration constants (SOL_lp32 or SOL_lp64) of the LpModel enumeration type.
get_variable_name When the source object represents a data variable, copies, into a specified buffer, the variable name.
get_variable_name_length When the source object represents a data variable, returns the length of the variable name. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_variable_name function will copy the variable name.
inclusive_point Returns a particular instrumentation point (InstPoint object) within this source object or any of its child source objects.
inclusive_point_count Returns the number of instrumentation points (InstPoint objects) within this source object and all of its child source objects.
line_end Returns the approximate source line number of the last line in this source object.
line_start Returns the approximate source line number of the first line in this source object.
module_name Copies, into a specified buffer, the file name and path of the module that contains this source object.
module_name_length Returns the length of the file name and path of the module that contains this source object. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the module_name function will copy the module's file name and path.
obj_parent Returns the parent source object for this source object.
operator = Assigns values to the SourceObj object.
operator ==

operator !=

compares two SourceObj objects for equivalence.
program_name When the source object represents a program, copies, into a specified buffer, the file name and path of the executable program.
program_name_length When the source object represents a program, returns the length of the file name and path of the executable program. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the program_name function will copy the executable program's file name and path.
reference When the source object represents a program function or variable, creates a probe expression (ProbeExp object) that represents a reference to that function or variable. The analysis tool can then use these probe expressions in forming more complex probe expressions. A probe expression representing a function can be combined by the analysis tool into a probe expression representing a function call. A probe expression representing a variable can be used by the analysis tool in creating a probe expression that modifies or otherwise uses that variable.
src_type Returns the source object type of this source object. This function indicates this information by returning one of the enumeration constants of the SourceType enumeration type.

What is the InstPoint class?

Objects of the InstPoint class (which is defined in the header file InstPoint.h) represent instrumentation points -- locations within the target process(es) where the analysis tool can install point probes by calling the Process::install_probe, Process::binstall_probe, Application::install_probe, or Application::binstall_probe functions. All four of these functions must, for each probe expression being installed as a point probe, be passed an InstPoint object that indicates where the probe should be installed. To get an InstPoint object, the analysis tool calls the SourceObj::exclusive_point or SourceObj::inclusive_point function. (Note that in order for these functions to return an InstPoint object, at least one of the module-level source objects in the source object hierarchy must have been expanded by the SourceObj::expand or SourceObj::bexpand function.) To determine the number of instrumentation points under a particular source object, the analysis tool can call the SourceObj::exclusive_point_count or SourceObj::inclusive_point_count function. The SourceObj::exclusive_point_count function returns the number of InstPoint objects associated with the particular source object, while the SourceObj::inclusive_point_count function returns the number of InstPoint objects associated with a particular source object and all of its child source objects.

Figure 17 illustrates the difference between exclusive and inclusive point counts.

Figure 17. Exclusive and inclusive instrumentation point counts for source objects. Exclusive instrumentation points refer to those instrumentation points associated with the source object itself. Inclusive instrumentation points refer to those instrumentation points associated with the source object, and all of its children. Note that the two unexpanded module-level source objects show no instrumentation points. That is because the instrumentation point information is only available once the module-level source object has been expanded.

View figure.

When calling either the SourceObj::exclusive_point or the SourceObj::inclusive_point function, the analysis tool identifies a particular InstPoint object by supplying the function with an index value. The SourceObj::exclusive_point_count and SourceObj::inclusive_point_count functions can be used to initialize a loop that will cycle though the InstPoint objects and examine each in turn to determine if it represents a suitable location at which to install a particular probe expression as a point probe.

The analysis tool can also get the InstPoint object for a point probe that has already been installed by calling the ProbeModule::get_point function.

Once the analysis tool has a particular InstPoint object, it can call InstPoint class functions to get information about the instrumentation point. If the analysis tool is examining the instrumentation point to determine if a point probe should be installed there, it will want to know whether the instrumentation point represents a function entry, function exit, or function call site. To get this information, it can call the InstPoint::get_type function, which returns one of the enumeration constants (IPT_function_entry, IPT_function_exit, or IPT_function_call) of the InstPtType enumeration type. If the instrumentation point represents a function call site, the analysis tool can also get the location where the point probe will be placed relative to the instrumentation point. To get this information, the analysis tool can call the InstPoint::get_location function which returns one of the enumeration constants (IPL_before or IPL_after) of the InstPtLocation enumeration type. Figure 18 illustrates the various instrumentation point type and location information that the analysis tool can get by calling the InstPoint::get_type and InstPoint::get_location functions.

Figure 18. Instrumentation point types and locations

View figure.

In addition to the instrumentation point type and location information, the analysis tool can:

The following table summarizes the various functions of the InstPoint class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 10. InstPoint class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
get_address Returns the address of this instrumentation point within the target application program.
get_container Returns the source object (SourceObj object) that contains this instrumentation point.
get_demangled_name When the instrumentation point represents a function call site, copies, into a specified buffer, the demangled name of that function.
get_demangled_name_length When the instrumentation point represents a function call site, returns the length of the demangled name of the function. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_demangled_name function will copy the demangled function name.
get_line Returns the approximate line number in the source code where this instrumentation point occurs.
get_location When the instrumentation point represents a function call site, indicates whether the point probe will execute before or after the function call. This function indicates this information by returning one of the enumeration constants (IPL_before or IPL_after) of the InstPtLocation enumeration type.
get_mangled_name When the instrumentation point represents a function call site, copies, into a specified buffer, the mangled name of that function.
get_mangled_name_length When the instrumentation point represents a function call site, returns the length of this function's mangled name. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_mangled_name function will copy the mangled function name.
get_type Indicates whether this instrumentation point represents a function entry, function exit, or function call site. This function indicates this information by returning one of the enumeration constants (IPT_function_entry, IPT_function_exit, or IPT_function_call) of the InstPtType enumeration type.
operator = Assigns values to the InstPoint object.
operator ==

operator !=

Compares two InstPoint objects for equivalence.

What is the ProbeType class?

Objects of the ProbeType class (which is defined in the header file ProbeType.h) represent data types associated with either a source object (SourceObj object), or a probe expression (ProbeExp object). The member and friend functions of this class are of two types -- those that enable the analysis tool to create a ProbeType object to represent a data type, and those that enable the analysis tool to query information about a ProbeType object.

The functions that create ProbeType objects to represent a particular data type are used by the analysis tool primarily for allocating memory for probes. When allocating memory for use by probes (using the Process::alloc_mem, Process::balloc_mem, Application::alloc_mem, and Application::balloc_mem function), the analysis tool supplies a ProbeType object as a function parameter in order to indicate the type of memory to allocate.

The functions that query ProbeType objects enable the analysis tool to ascertain the data type associated with a particular source object (SourceObj object) or probe expression (ProbeExp object). The ProbeType object associated with a source object is returned by the SourceObj::get_data_type function, while the ProbeType object associated with a probe expression is returned by the ProbeExp::get_data_type function. The ability to get the data type of a source object or probe expression enables the analysis tool to use the source object or probe expression value correctly.

One particularly useful ability of the ProbeType class is to return actual integer and pointer values of function parameters. To do this, the analysis tool first creates a ProbeType object that represents the function prototype (by calling the ProbeType::function_type function). Then, it can create a probe expression by calling the ProbeType::get_actual function (an index value supplied to the ProbeType::get_actual function indicates the particular function parameter). When the probe expression returned by the ProbeType::get_actual function is executed within the target application process, it will get the actual parameter value. Note that the ProbeType::get_actual function can only return an actual parameter value if it represents a 32-bit integer or a pointer.

One important thing you should understand about ProbeType objects is that they are expression trees. While in many cases (such as ProbeType objects representing an integer) it is not necessary to represent the ProbeType object as a tree, we have structured ProbeType objects as trees in order to have ProbeType objects that represent pointers and function prototypes. (See Figure 19).

The data type information for each ProbeType object is represented by an enumeration constant of the DataExpNodeType enumeration type. The analysis tool can query this constant by calling the ProbeType::get_node_type function. The analysis tool can also determine how many child ProbeType objects are under a particular ProbeType object by calling the ProbeType::child_count function. To get a particular child ProbeType object of a parent ProbeType object, the analysis tool can call the ProbeType::child function. For example, if calling the ProbeType::get_node_type function returns the enumeration constant DEN_pointer_type (indicating a pointer to a pointee), the analysis tool can get the ProbeType object for the pointee by calling the ProbeType::child function.

Figure 19. Probe type trees. This figure illustrates the two situations (data types representing pointers and function prototypes) in which a ProbeType expression tree will be more complex than a single node. The analysis tool can call the ProbeType::get_node_type function to determine the type represented by the ProbeType object's node in the expression tree. To navigate down into the tree, the analysis tool can call the ProbeType::child function to get a ProbeType object that represents one of the child ProbeType object nodes of the current ProbeType object's node. In the case of a ProbeType object that represents a function prototype, its leftmost subtree will represent the function return type and its right subtrees will represent any function parameters.

View figure.

The following table summarizes the various functions of the ProbeType class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 11. ProbeType class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
child Returns the sub-type of a data type (a child ProbeType object of this ProbeType object). The analysis tool can use this function to:
  • get the data type of the pointee (for a ProbeType object representing a pointer).
  • get the data type of a function return type or argument (for a ProbeType object representing a function).
child_count Returns the number of sub-types associated with a data type (the number of child ProbeType objects for this ProbeType object).
function_type A friend function. Creates a ProbeType object that represents a function prototype or type signature data type.
get_actual When the ProbeType object represents a function prototype, returns a probe expression (ProbeExp object) representing the value of a particular function parameter. Note that the ProbeType::get_actual function can only return an actual parameter value if it represents an integer or a pointer.
get_node_type Indicates the type of this ProbeType object's node in the data type expression tree. This function indicates this information by returning one of the enumeration constants of the DataExpNodeType enumeration type.
int32_type A friend function. Creates a ProbeType object that represents a 32-bit integer.
operator = Assigns values to the ProbeType object.
operator ==

operator !=

Compares two ProbeType objects for equivalence.

A friend function. Creates a ProbeType object that represents the data type of a pointer to a pointee.

A friend function. Creates a ProbeType object that represents an unspecified data type.

A friend function. Creates a ProbeType object that represents a void data type.

What is the Phase class?

Objects of the Phase class (which is defined in the header file Phase.h) represent the control mechanism for invoking phase probes at set intervals. The phase probes themselves are probe expressions (ProbeExp objects) that represent references to probe module functions. Before instantiating a Phase object, the analysis tool will:

  1. add the probe module containing the functions to be invoked as phase probes to one or more target application processes. The analysis tool can add the probe module to a single process by calling the Process::load_module or Process::bload_module function. The analysis tool can also add the probe module to all processes managed by an Application object by calling the Application::load_module or Application::bload_module function.
  2. create a probe expression (ProbeExp object) representing a reference to each probe module function that will serve as a phase probe. To do this, the analysis tool calls the ProbeModule::get_reference function.

When instantiating the Phase class object, the analysis tool can specify up to three phase probes (ProbeExp objects that reference probe module functions) to be invoked and the CPU-time interval at which their execution will be triggered. The three phase probes that can be invoked represent a begin function, a data function, and an end function. While the phase must, in order to be useful, call at least one of these functions, any one of them is optional. At the very least, an analysis tool will usually supply a data function.

Once the analysis tool has instantiated a Phase class object, it can:

As you can see from the preceding list, most of the functions that act upon a Phase class object are actually member functions of other classes. The Phase class itself contains member functions only for assignment and equivalence comparison as shown in the following table. For complete information on any of the functions described in the preceding list or the following table, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 12. Phase class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
operator = Assigns values to the Phase object.
operator ==

operator !=

Compares two Phase objects for equivalence.

What are the FunctionList and FunctionId classes?

This section describes two classes that the analysis tool can use to list functions that match a regular expression search string supplied by the analysis tool's end user. These are the FunctionList class (described in What is the FunctionList class? and used to represent the list of functions that match the supplied search string) and the FunctionId class (described in What is the FunctionId class? and used to represent individual functions in the function list).

What is the FunctionList class?

Objects of the FunctionList class (which is defined in the header file FunctionList.h) are returned by the SourceObj::bget_function_list and SourceObj::get_function_list functions, and contain a list of functions that match a regular expression search pattern that the analysis tool has supplied. Using member functions of the FunctionList class, the analysis tool can:

Typically, objects of the FunctionList class will be used in conjunction with objects of the FunctionId class to list functions in a particular source object that match a supplied regular expression search pattern. This enables an analysis tool to locate a function without having to expand multiple source objects, which would be much more resource intensive. Instead, the FunctionList and FunctionId classes could be used to locate the desired function, and then only the SourceObj object that contains the function would need to be expanded. For example, the analysis tool's user interface could prompt the end user for a function search string and source object to search. The analysis tool would pass the search string to either the SourceObj::bget_function_list or SourceObj::get_function_list function which would return the FunctionList object containing the list of individual functions (FunctionId objects) that match the search string. The analysis tool could then initialize a loop using the FunctionList::get_count function and, cycling through the loop, use the FunctionList::get_entry function and functions of the FunctionId class to list the function names for the user.

The following table summarizes the various functions of the FunctionList class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 13. FunctionList class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
get_count Returns the number of entries (FunctionId objects) contained in this function list.
get_entry Returns a FunctionId object that represents a particular function in this function list.
operator = Assigns values to the FunctionList object.

What is the FunctionId class?

Objects of the FunctionId class (which is defined in the header file FunctionId.h) represents a single entry in a function list (FunctionList object). The analysis tool can get a reference to a FunctionId object by calling the FunctionList::get_entry function. Once it has a reference to a FunctionId object, the analysis tool can:

Typically, objects of the FunctionId class will be used in conjunction with objects of the FunctionList class to list functions in a particular source object that match a supplied regular expression search pattern. For more information on FunctionList objects, refer to What is the FunctionList class?.

The following table summarizes the various functions of the FunctionId class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 14. Phase class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
get_demangled_name Copies, into a specified buffer, the demangled name of the function represented by this FunctionId object.
get_demangled_name_length Returns the length of the demangled name of the function represented by this FunctionId object. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_demangled_name function will copy the demangled name.
get_mangled_name Copies, into a specified buffer, the mangled name of the function represented by this FunctionId object.
get_mangled_name_length Returns the length of the mangled name of the function represented by this FunctionId object. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_mangled_name function will copy the mangled name.
get_module_name Copies, into a specified buffer, the file name and path of the module that contains the function represented by this FunctionId object.
get_module_name_length Returns the length of the file name and path of the module that contains the function represented by this FunctionId object. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the get_module_name function will copy the module name/path.
operator = Assigns values to the FunctionId object.
operator ==

Compares two FunctionId objects for equivalence.

What is the AisStatus class?

Objects of the AisStatus class (which is defined in the header file AisStatus.h) store status and severity codes (and, in some cases, data associated with the status) returned by other DPCL functions, and can also be used by the analysis tool to store status values for its own purposes. When a DPCL function call returns an AisStatus object, the analysis tool can check its status code by calling the AisStatus::status function, and its severity by calling the AisStatus::severity function. The AisStatus::status function returns one of the constants enumerated in the AisStatusCode enumeration type, and the AisStatus::severity function returns one of the constants enumerated in the AisSteverityCode enumeration type. For a complete listing and description of these constants, refer to the DPCL Class Reference.

In some situations, the AisStatus object returned by the DPCL system will contain one or more data values associated with the particular status. To determine if an AisStatus object has any additional data values, the analysis tool can call the AisStatus::data_count function. If there are, it can use the AisStatus::data_value and AisStatus::data_value_length functions to get the value.

The analysis tool can also create AisStatus objects for its own status reporting. The AisStatus class constructor enables the analysis tool to specify a status and severity value and the AisStatus::add_data function enables it to associate data with the status.

The following table summarizes the various functions of the AisStatus class. For complete information on any of these functions, refer to the function's UNIX man page or the DPCL Class Reference.

Table 15. AisStatus class function summary
Calling the function: Does this:
add_data Adds one data value to the list of data associated with this AisStatus object.
data_count Returns the number of data values associated with this AisStatus object.
data_value Copies, into a specified buffer, a particular data value associated with this AisStatus object.
data_value_length Returns the length of a particular data value associated with this AisStatus object. This enables the analysis tool to determine the size of the buffer into which the data_value function will copy the data value.
operator = Assigns values to the AisStatus object
operator AisStatusCode Cast function that returns the status code reflected in this AisStatus object.
operator int Cast function that returns the integer equivalent of the status code reflected in this AisStatus object.
severity Returns the severity code reflected in this AisStatus object. The severity code is returned as one of the enumeration constants of the AisSeverityCode enumeration type.
status Returns the status code reflected in the object. The status code is returned as one of the enumeration constants of the AisStatusCode enumeration type.
status_name Returns the name of the status code reflected in the object. The name is in American English, and the string is stored in a constant array within the function. This function is intended only for limited diagnostic use during tool development.

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